Here are the 10 illustrations/drawings I did in the past 10 days. Click on the image to see the full illustration with the code, and click here to see a CodePen collection with all of the drawings plus some variations.
Day 61: Unimpressed
This cartoon was drawn from scratch with the face of an unimpressed person. You can watch how it was done in this video.
Day 62: Young woman holding a sign
Another cartoon from scratch. This time it is a young woman holding a sign with a slogan from the French May'68.
Day 63: V-neck guy
And yet another cartoon from scratch... and a different style from the previous two. There is a video on how this cartoon was done on Youtube.
Day 64: Vote!
This was an attempt at doing a simple logo/banner with HTML and CSS. The US presidential elections were 27 days away, and the main candidates were Trump (known for his hair) and Biden (who sports aviator sunglasses).
Day 65: Mouse
Inspired by "Day 6 - Rodent" by Cris on Dribbble (which is so much better with textures and shapes). There is also a video of how it was done.
Day 66: Girl holding a balloon
Inspired by an illustration by super-talented Ana María. As with the previous cartoon, the originals are 1,000 times better than my translation into HTML+CSS. Video of how it was drawn.
Day 67: Boat
This one is interesting. On Firefox, it looks fine, on Chrome sometimes a background flickers (why?), and on Safari, the box-shadows act funny with the boat shape... I'll need to be more careful with that in the future :S
Day 68: Little Death
A pre-Halloween cartoon done from scratch. I really like the result of this one. Chrome seems to have issues with box-shadows, rounded borders, and relative units, affecting how the scythe is drawn (or even displayed!)
Day 69: Frankenstein's Monster
Another Halloween-themed illustration from scratch. Halfway through this one, I felt tempted just to do The Hulk but didn't change direction. Here is a video of how it was done.
Day 70: Ellipse's Poodle
This dog was drawn using only ellipses and semicircles. It was fun to do, although the result is not too impressive... It almost looks more like a goat than a poodle :S